3 Auto Body Collision Repair Issues Caused By Seemingly Harmless Fender Bender Accidents

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3 Auto Body Collision Repair Issues Caused By Seemingly Harmless Fender Bender Accidents

3 Auto Body Collision Repair Issues Caused By Seemingly Harmless Fender Bender Accidents

7 December 2022
, Blog

Some drivers may make the mistake of underestimating the extent of damage to their vehicles after a fender bender. They may fail to get a police report assuming that the damage is minor. There is a variety of hidden damage that is caused by these seemingly harmless car accidents. Sometimes the damages are minor, but a fender bender can be the cause of significant mechanical failure to critical car parts. The following points identify a few auto collision repairs that fender benders can cause.

Frame Damage

The frame of a vehicle does not have to be mangled to be problematic. Minor frame damage can cause serious operational issues. This type of damage will likely not be obvious. When individuals are involved in serious car accidents that require towing, frame damage might be obvious.  A fender bender may cause damage that affects the safety of a vehicle. A future accident could result in injuries due to a faulty fender from the minor accident. This means that the hidden fender damage may cause it not to properly absorb shock from the impact. Another phenomenon is that some fender benders may negatively affect sensors that are designed to activate airbags in serious collisions. 

Suspension Damage

A damaged suspension system will negatively impact a driver's ability to steer their vehicles without difficulty. Steering wheels connect to steering columns which are connected to the suspension system. If the system gets damaged by a fender bender, it will become imbalanced and make it hard to drive a vehicle in a straight path. This issue must be prepared because it will get worse over time.

Engine Damage

Engine damage can happen even if a driver is rear-ended by another vehicle. One telltale sign of possible engine damage is an illuminated check engine light. Modern vehicles have sensors that are designed to alert drivers when there is a mechanical issue such as problems with the engine, brakes, battery, etc. It is imperative this sign of hidden damage is taken seriously. Auto collision repair technicians can inspect for damage. If none is discovered, they have tools to turn off the light.

An auto body collision repair shop is a good resource to use to rule out or confirm hidden damage from a fender bender accident. Early identification may prevent complex repair issues and make matters worse. Sometimes hidden damage does not become evident until weeks or months later, which may result in drivers not being able to file insurance claims for repairs. Inspections need to be performed soon after accidents to ensure accurate documentation.

For more information on auto body collision repair, contact a professional near you.

About Me
Choosing The Right Auto Body Repairs

When it comes to preserving your older classic car, you might make the mistake of assuming that all repairs are created equal. Unfortunately, focusing on that fender and forgetting about that massive dent in the hood might cause problems later. However, if you understand how to make the best impact with your car, you might be able to avoid expensive issues down the road. I designed this site to help other car owners to make the best of their situation--whatever it may be. Check out the information on this website to protect your ride, your finances, and your car-loving lifestyle.